Tactical Earnings Performance

Tactical Earnings Performance


Dec 16, 2014 | by ASATS team

Driving efficiency is key to maintaining competiveness in today’s modern economy. Aon employs a specific set of tools we refer to as Tactical Cost Saving Levers to enable rapid identification and realization of hard dollar savings. Our approach focuses on areas often over looked by companies and leverages proprietary databases and analytic techniques and focuses on the following areas:

Total cost of risk (TCOR): Proprietary TCOR analytics diagnostic relies on Aon’s premium and claims database to evaluate an organization’s performance over 30 quantitative and qualitative performance indicators and benchmarks for the most significant elements of a risk program. Common levers typically considered are:

  • Root cause claims analytics
  • Accelerated claims closure
  • Litigation management
  • Leveraging spend in commodity categories such as dental or vision

This can have impact of 10-15% reduction TCOR/sustainable expense reduction.

Driving efficiency is key to maintaining competiveness in today’s modern economy. Aon employs a specific set of tools we refer to as Tactical Cost Saving Levers to enable rapid identification and realization of hard dollar savings. Our approach focuses on areas often over looked by companies and leverages proprietary databases and analytic techniques and focuses on the following areas:

Total cost of risk (TCOR): Proprietary TCOR analytics diagnostic relies on Aon’s premium and claims database to evaluate an organization’s performance over 30 quantitative and qualitative performance indicators and benchmarks for the most significant elements of a risk program. Common levers typically considered are:

  • Root cause claims analytics
  • Accelerated claims closure
  • Litigation management
  • Leveraging spend in commodity categories such as dental or vision

This can have impact of 10-15% reduction TCOR/sustainable expense reduction.

Health & benefits: Health & benefits diagnostic of key areas for cost reduction. Aon’s analysis will include:

  • Maximizing provider discounts
  • Optimizing employee contributions
  • Redesigning benefit structures

The potential impact is a 10-15% reduction in health & benefits costs or ~US $800-US $1,200 per employee per year.

Sales general & administration (SGA): Organization analytics and proprietary cost benchmark data enable comparison to peer companies, rapid identification of SG&A cost reduction opportunities, and identification of concrete action steps to realize a sustainable cost structure based on:

  • Spans of control
  • Management layers
  • Process activity based cost (ABC)

Typical results of 7-12% reduction in annual employee SG&A expense.

In addition, Aon’s human capital expertise in action planning mitigates the risk of hidden costs due to worker compensation claims, productivity decreases, unplanned attrition, and works council constraints.

The chart below shows Aon’s holistic approach to tactical earnings improvement

    Data collection and
initial analytics
Cost savings lever identification Develop value
capture plan

Approximate timing*


2-4 Weeks


~4-6 Weeks


~2-4 Weeks



  • Sign required non-disclosure agreements (NDA’s)
  • Deliver detailed data request to clients/carriers
  • Data is typically off the shelf
  • Will need engagement by risk management, health & benefits management, and finance
  • Benchmark data
  • Perform root cause analysis
  • Conduct interviews of key personnel to identify
  • Develop view of key value levers/cost improvement opportunities
    - Lever description
    - Economic impact
    - Implementation risk
  • Review and prioritize with management
  • Develop detailed work plans to capture value
  • Syndicate with management
  • Allocate work between client and Aon

The case study below sizes the potential impact to a middle market company of deploy Aon’s Tactical Cost Savings Levers


  • Industry: light manufacturing
  • Employee count: 3,000
  • Revenue: US $1 billion
  • Cost of health & benefits: US $22.5 million
  • Total cost of risk (TCOR): US $10 million
  • Sales general & administration (SG&A): US $50 million
  • Pretax profit margin: 10%
    Annual impact
Health and benefit review
  US $2.33 million (10% of total health & benefits spend) in savings
  • Changed providers to maximize discounts
  • Adjusted tobacco surcharges to better align with market norm
Total cost of risk (TCOR) review
  S $1.5 million (15% of TCOR) in savings
  • Predictive analytics/root cause analysis
  • Reduced claims reporting lag time
  • Improving litigation management
Sales general & administration (SG&A) cost review
  US $5 million (10% of total SG&A)
  • Re-engineer pay for performance
  • Prioritize technology spend to improve SG&A efficiency


  • US $8.33 million in cost savings
  • Improved margin by 8%
  • Improved value by US $50 million at a 6x multiple
  • Cost reductions come from non-core areas

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