Tuesday, March 17, 2009 At 1:22AM
My slides from the Source Boston conference last week have been posted for public consumption. The talk discussed some of the cool new built-in features of IIS7, like the Integrated Request Pipeline and Request Filtering. Additionally, it covered the new modular architecture of IIS7 and discussed custom modules (like SPF) and various other new add-on modules that the Microsoft IIS team has released for free.
Those of you not familiar with various extensions that the IIS team has released over the past several months should check out IIS.NET. My two favorites are the URL Rewriter for IIS7 (think mod_rewrite for IIS) and Dynamic IP Restrictions Extension, an add-on that dynamically blocks IP addresses that violate connection threshold and timing limits (great for slowing down CGI and App Scans).
Overall, the conference was great…hats off to Stacy and the crew for a job well done. They will be posting videos of the talks on the Source Conference site over the next few weeks, so certainly worth keeping an eye out.
Author: Brian Holyfield
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