There is nothing linear about cyber security. The pressure to achieve cyber risk resilience is real.
In response, the market is overflowing with technologies designed to secure organizations and operational checklists to guide companies through the landscape of resilience and remediation. But security is not achieved solely through technology, governance or compliance.
Achieving resilience demands consideration of many elements and simply keeping up and staying informed about the evolving cyber risk terrain is daunting.
Each organization is unique and is at a different place in its digital journey. Thus, each organization will enter the cyber security race at a distinct point. Perhaps a significant breach demands partnering with an incident response team. Or the board calls for a strategic assessment of vulnerabilities. Successfully managing
cyber risk demands that organizations persevere and embrace the dynamism of the threat.
It requires an understanding of security as an iterative process. Organizations are tasked with constantly assessing and seeking actionable data about the emerging threats on the horizon. In particular, top-level management needs to understand processes around assets and vulnerabilities, balance sheet exposure, and the ability to transfer risk. Most importantly, companies must rapidly respond when an attack occurs.
It’s impossible to completely eradicate cyber risk or the potential consequential damage to reputation resulting from a cyber incident. The risk is pervasive. But resilience is possible for organizations that contemplate a circular approach, which we term the Cyber Loop.
Explore the 2020 Cyber Loop report below.
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An organization cannot mitigate risks it doesn’t know or transfer a risk it doesn’t understand. Aon’s approach to assessment informs future decisions on the best strategies to manage cyber risk.
Explore the 2022 Cyber Loop whitepaper to learn more.