The 2024 Atlantic hurricane season got off to an extremely fast start with Hurricane Beryl becoming the earliest
Category 5 hurricane in the Atlantic on record. Hurricanes Helene and Milton followed in September and October
respectively, with their combined expected insured loss estimates between $30 billion and $44 billion.
Hear from Aon’s Property and Reinsurance leaders as they dive deep into market dynamics, review this year’s very
active Hurricane Season, examine parametric claims outcomes and share a preview of 2025 reinsurance treaties. You’ll
also hear from a meteorologist on the trends in storm severity and frequency.
Key Takeaways
- Review of the 2024 hurricane season, insurable losses and the potential impact on the reinsurance market
- Discussion of impact, and claims considerations, from Hurricanes Helene and Milton
- A look at alternative risk transfer options for effective ways of dealing with climate peril impacts
- Trends in major storm severity and frequency and the impact of La Niña
- Insight on 2025 reinsurance treaties and what that means for property clients