Reputation is a valuable intangible asset for any business and is based on image, trust and credibility in the eyes of key stakeholders. A compromised reputation can swiftly erode stakeholder trust, leading to tangible, adverse effects on the organization. The fallout from a reputation crisis can be far greater than any short-term earnings losses, with some companies losing significant shareholder value.
In this highly volatile, fast-paced world, a single disruptive event can rapidly undermine a business’s reputation. Reputation risk remains one of the major risk concerns of recent years, having consistently held a spot in the top 10 risks of our Global Risk Management Survey since 2007.
Companies have several key concerns regarding damage to reputation:
Instant communication and connectivity online mean that the landscape of reputation risk is dynamic and evolving. As a result, companies face heightened concerns surrounding not only a brand’s values but also how and to what extent they signal those values.
External factors that can amplify the focus of reputation risk for organizations include the following:
Organizations must be more proactive, transparent and ethical in their actions to safeguard their reputation in an increasingly interconnected and volatile world. We have seen organizations use data-driven insights to better help identify, assess and manage reputation risk, giving them more informed ways of understanding the impact of this type of risk.
8 percent of respondents stated they suffered a loss due to damage to brand or reputation, with half having plans in place to respond to the risk.
of respondents indicated this risk contributed to a loss for their organization in the 12 months prior to the survey.
Source: Aon's 2023 Global Risk Management Survey
of respondents stated their organizations had set up a plan to respond to risk.
Source: Aon's 2023 Global Risk Management Survey
Organizations are adopting a range of strategies and approaches to mitigate reputation risk. Aon has drawn on its research of reputation-related events over the past 40 years to analyze reputation risk’s effects on long-term future cash flows.
The top approaches that successful companies use to safeguard their image, maintain stakeholder trust and navigate dynamic reputational challenges can be divided into pre- and post-event strategies.
Damage to Brand or Reputation has fallen three ranks compared to our previous survey.
Source: Aon's 2023 Global Risk Management Survey
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