Intellectual Property-Backed Lending

Unlock the value of intellectual property to access debt capital

When raising capital, companies typically have two options – selling equity or borrowing based on the strength of the balance sheet or cash flows. For emerging IP-rich companies, incurring debt is not always an option and diluting ownership is often not ideal.

The growth of intellectual property (IP) – patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets – has driven the rotation in company assets from tangible to intangible, but accounting practices have not always kept pace. As a result, intellectual property is generally under-appreciated as a source of corporate value.

Aon has developed a way for companies to unlock the value of their intellectual property, giving business owners a way to access debt capital that can be less expensive and less dilutive than equity options.

Using market-leading, proprietary IP valuation tools and a collateral protection insurance policy, insuring the IP will be worth no less than up to 90-100% of the principal loan amount, Aon enables IP-rich businesses as they seek to borrow against their intangible property. Aon also has access to discretionary lending capital, which may be a borrowing option for these IP-rich businesses.

This innovative lending method offers both borrowers and lenders a new opportunity to unlock a valuable, and previously untapped, marketplace.

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The Aon Advantage

Protecting Assets and Creating Enterprise Value

Aon's Intellectual Property Solutions team helps clients protect and maximize their most valuable asset in today’s business world—their intellectual property. Aon brings the best minds and strong analytical tools to provide a comprehensive approach to intellectual property strategy, valuation, and risk management across a client’s business. We go beyond looking at the legal frameworks to align current and future intellectual property assets with a business’ overarching strategy.