United Kingdom

Reducing motor claims costs – securing early intervention

The importance of reporting claims to insurers as soon as possible cannot be underestimated.

Notifying insurers immediately will allow them to provide a fast response to assist both you and any third parties involved in an accident. This will also allow insurers to:

  • Make immediate enquiries into the circumstances regarding the accident
  • Act on your behalf if liability is contested
  • Avoid spiralling third party hire and repair costs by offering the third party use of the insurers approved repair network

Case study

Aon worked with one of our client in the manufacturing sector to reduce the time taken to report accidents to insurers. We helped them to:

  • Provide bespoke bump cards to their employees to assist with the gathering of information following an accident
  • Arrange an internal webinar with the client’s employees to outline the claims procedure
  • Introduced bespoke driver documentation (driver handbook and company vehicle policy)
  • Provided examples to demonstrate the difference in third party costs (particularly hire charges) between successful and unsuccessful intervention.

Examples that demonstrate the importance of securing early intervention.

Successful intervention

Case Study Description
A Insurers settled the claim with a payment of £1,234. There was no payment for hire as the third party has used a courtesy car from the insurers approved repairer.
B Third party repairs were settled at £5,636 and hire charges of £357.

Unsuccessful intervention

Case Study Description
A Payment for third party repairs was £1,019 for repairs and £504 for hire charges.
B Repairs were settled at £5,688 and hire charges of £7,503.