Middle East
Captive Management

Captive Management

Making the right risk financing decisions is a critical part of being a responsible business leader. Aon’s Global Captive Management team specializes in the formation and management of captive insurance and reinsurance companies, overseeing more than 1,300 insurance vehicles in over 30 locations worldwide.

Knowledge and experience

As the world’s largest captive management group, we deliver services to more clients, operate across a larger number of domiciles, and have access to a greater depth of resource than any other captive manager. Our pool of more than 470 captive management experts are experienced in key disciplines and are at the forefront of their local captive communities.

Dynamic Financial Analysis

A captive should adopt a disciplined approach and routinely address the issues of risk retention, capital efficiency, underwriting philosophy and strategy. Aon Global Insurance Managers (AGIM) has created a Dynamic Financial Analysis (DFA) process that enables us to fully optimize your captive’s potential.

Alternative Financing Facilities

As a market innovator, we offer our clients the leading-edge solutions of White Rock Insurance, an Aon-owned protected cell facility that offers a cost-effective alternative to open-market insurers for fronting into European countries, as well as the services of United Insurance Company, a leader in the captive insurance risk transfer market.

Flexibility and service

Your company’s captive services requirements will evolve over time. Our worldwide presence offers the flexibility of multiple locations and our dedicated processing centres deliver cost benefits through economies of scale and geographical efficiencies, to stay abreast of your changing needs.

Aon Insurance Managers

Aon Insurance Managers (AIM) is the leading captive manager in the world. Our portfolio consists of corporations of all industries from Europe, Latin America and Asia. Qualified services are rendered by international staff consisting of experienced (re-)insurance technicians, chartered accountants and legal advisors. AIM manages besides captives also branches of insurance companies, holdings and finance companies.

AIM offers one-stop shopping solutions for Captives:

Captive Establishment/Licensing Procedure

All issues relating to the set-up of a captive will be carried out by AIM Switzerland. This includes work with commercial register, notary, tax authority, the completion of the Business Plan as well as other regulatory documentation, the submission to regulators and subsequent interaction until receipt of the (re-)insurance licence.

Management of the Captive

Once the (re-)insurance licence has been obtained, the captive can start underwriting business. AIM offers complete administration services, renewal of contracts including implementation, accounting, tax returns, preparation of board meetings/annual general meetings.

Mergers and liquidation of Captives

AIM has expert experience in the field of mergers and liquidation of captives. We offer winding-up services such as commutation and novation.

Other services

AIM also offers administration and accounting support/services to companies which are not captives such as branch offices, holding companies or finance companies. Further services to be obtained are internal control system, internal audit, tax returns, office rent etc.