United Kingdom

Factoring ESG Into Risk Settlement Decision Making

ESG factors are an increasingly important consideration for trustees and companies alike, with expectations from regulators adding to the demands on your pension scheme operations.

Risk settlement products such as annuity policies and longevity swaps are purchased for long-term risk protection, it is therefore important for trustees to demonstrate they have considered ESG factors when choosing between insurers before proceeding with a transaction.

At Aon, we believe the best-in-class approach requires ESG integration, engagement and collaboration to completely address sustainability issues. A suitable culture is also needed within an organisation and its portfolio management teams for high levels of ESG integration to be credible.

To address this, we have developed an ESG rating system for insurance providers, designed to assess whether and how well they integrate ESG considerations into their investment decision-making process.

In our latest report, you can read more on:

How to integrate ESG into your decisions.

How UK Insurance Providers Look at ESG

Assessing the Responsible Investment Behaviours of Providers

How UK Trustees Should Respond

Read Here



Aon Solutions UK Limited - a company registered in England and Wales under registration number 4396810 with its registered office at The Aon Centre, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall Street, London EC3V 4AN.