New Zealand
Trade credit

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Credit Insurance

Aon can help you increase sales and profits by removing the inherent risk of customer default. Companies often insure their physical assets and liabilities but fail to protect their Accounts Receivables. Insuring domestic or export credit can help with credit control, bad debt protection, and can lower the need for bank borrowing. 

You need to consider Credit Insurance when

• Trade debtors represent a substantial asset on your balance sheet
• Cash flow protection is important to you
• You are entering different market segments, or trading overseas
• You are dealing on credit terms with customers
• Industry developments create uncertainty

An Aon Trade Credit Insurance programme will:

Strengthen your credit management

• Conduct ongoing credit reviews on your clients
• Provide credit insurance (domestic and export)
• Collect, analyse and review your client's financial statements
• Advise and formulate security enhancements in consultation with you and your clients
• Review and strengthen your terms and conditions of sale

Help you prevent loss

• Minimise loss through effective credit management disciplines and the provision of underwritten credit assessments (credit limits)
• Ensure insured credit limits grow with your major customers - existing and new

Give you confidence to expand or trade overseas

• Cover the cost of potential debtor failures; operate with certainty and gain a competitive advantage
• Insure the four broad categories of risk - project risk, credit risk, market risk and political risk
• Provide cover through standard and customised insurance policies
• Structure bulk purchase protection for multiple countries and/ or projects, as well as profit sharing provisions.
• Provide protection against political actions that impact on your foreign investments and operations.

Provide you with funding alternatives

• A credit insurance policy is also solid collateral for your company's funding requirements as an insured debtor asset is usually significant
• Provide funding facilities at competitive rates through our proven network of finance partners
• Introduce you to a variety of appropriate finance products in association with our finance partners
• Enhance your trading ability and free-up working capital that could be better employed elsewhere

Provide you with pre- insolvency and post-insolvency advice

• Provide assistance and advice in dealing with debtors, your fellow creditors, administrators, and liquidators. This gives you the freedom to focus on your business activities.