Make Skincare a Health Habit

Aon Health & Wellbeing Conversation #5

During the extended stay-at-home period due to COVID-19, many have admitted that they no longer go through the usual self-care routine they once had. There is limited in-person social interaction, so why bother? But looking good helps us feel good. How can you care for yourself without access to spas and skin care products?
There are a lot of natural ingredients available in our kitchens and homes that can help us take care of our skin when we don’t have access to spas and shopping malls.
Before we share those, its good to know how skin types are categorized.
Different Skin Types
  • Normal skin type has either no or few imperfections, is less sensitive, has smaller pores.
  • Combination skin type have areas that are normal or dry but oily in other areas. Some other characteristics include a shiny appearance, blackheads, and larger pores.
  • Dry skin is dull and rough, patchy or cracked with redness, less elastic, with visible lines.
  • Oily skin has enlarged pores, is dull or oily in appearance, with blackheads or pimples.
Natural Ingredients that Work Miracles for the Skin
  • Tea tree – has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antifungal properties
  • Green tea – high in antioxidants and catechins, such as polyphenol, flavonoids, and epigallocatechin gallate
  • Liquorice or Anise – has anti-inflammatory properties and works to brighten the skin
  • Oatmeal – has anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties. Also has glucans and starches which are natural moisturizers
  • Coconut oil & shea butter – has natural fats that hydrate and serve as anti-inflammatory agents
  • Avocado & Olive oil – loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins A, D, and E for moisturization, wound healing, and collagen synthesis
  • Gotu Kola or Centella Asiatica (Takip Kuhol in Filipino) – promotes blood supply to wounded areas for quick skin recovery; has amino acids, beta carotene, fatty acids, and phytochemicals
  • Soy – rich in antioxidants, fatty acids, and isoflavones decreasing UV-induced pigmentation and promotes collagen synthesis
  • Vitamin C – aids collagen synthesis, regulates sebum production, and has antioxidants
  • Red, orange, and yellow fruits and vegetables –rich sources of beta carotene that promotes the production of Vitamin A, which is an essential nutrient for would healing, sun damage protection, and cell rejuvenation.
It is important to also practice a proper skincare routine to maintain good and healthy skin. Here are some basic tips:
  • Eat a healthy diet – applying those natural ingredients won’t be of use otherwise.
  • Drink plenty of water for hydration.
  • Avoid smoking as it damages collagen and elastin leading to older looking skin. Smoking also increases your risk of cancer, including squamous skin cancer.
  • Be gentle with your skin by limiting your bath time, shave carefully, pat dry and moisturize, and avoid strong soaps and detergents which strip your skin’s natural oils.
  • Block the harmful UV rays of the sun by wearing protective clothing and using sunscreen.
  • Most importantly, manage your stress. A healthy mind leads to healthy skin!

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