The complexity and demands put on mining operations mean that their insurance and risk management programmes need to be exceptionally effective. Our clients benefit from our understanding of the mining business and Aon’s global mining team has the skills, superior client service and experience to support our clients’ growth.
Mining is complex and international, but an effective insurance and risk management programme can reduce the cost of risk and help satisfy a variety of financial and regulatory requirements.
Aon’s mining team guides clients through the process of creating insurance programmes that are closely aligned to a company’s risk tolerance and evolve as a project moves from exploration, to construction and into the operational phase.
Buying insurance coverage is the last stage in the risk management process. A critical focus on risk analysis, identification, analysis, quantification and mitigation can have a significant influence on purchasing effective insurance coverage cost efficiently.
Aon’s mining team has expertise in directors’ and officers’ liability, actuarial consulting, risk consulting, compliance, health and safety, claims advocacy, strategic risk mitigation and environmental risk.
Aon’s mining clients benefit from our understanding of the mining business, insurer underwriting standards and flexibility, our use of pre-loss agreements, our recognition of repetitive problematic hazards and our reduction of loss potentials based on operating flexibility and strategic CAPEX investment.
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