Claims Management Process
Overview of Business Interruption Claims Validation.
A simple, efficient and consistent approach to your claim.
Set out below is an outline of the insurance claims process - which involves 4 basic steps.

Understanding this process will improve your claims experience with Aon,
1. Lodge Claim
Please contact your broker and/or Aon claims professional to lodge you claim.
Once the insurer commences liaising with you, the Aon Claims Team will remain available to you, to answer any queries.
2. We'll contact your insurer to register your intent to lodge a claim
Our Claims Team will send the claims notification information that you give us to your Insurer to begin the claims process.
Your insurer will usually acknowledge receipt of your claim notification within a few business days, emailing you directly with a claims reference number. This does not commit the insurer to pay the claim or even accept the claim. It gives you the reference number so that communication between you and your insurer is more efficient.
If you lodge a claim via Aon and you do not receive an acknowledgement or claims number from your insurer within a few business days, please contact us as soon as possible. Receiving a claims number from your insurer is an important step in the process to confirm that your notification has been received.
3. Your insurer will asses your claim
Your insurer is the one that assesses your claim. This is not something Aon does.
Your insurer will likely need additional information to assess your claim and they will contact you directly to discuss this with you. Some claims, such as business interruption claims, require quite detailed claims preparation by you (or your professional advisor). Further detail around that process is available on our website.
4. Settlements will be made by your insurer
If your insurer determines that your claim is covered and an amount is payable to you, your insurer will settle funds direct to your account (or as you direct).
5. Getting Started
Please get in contact with the team.