Improve Capital Management with SnAP
A capital management strategy starts with robust financial projections. Companies committed to growth will develop and institutionalize systems and processes to evaluate the impact of growth and reinsurance strategies on surplus, rating agency or regulatory capital requirements, and other financial metrics. Aon’s Scenario Analysis and Planning Tool, known as SnAP™, is an accounting-driven financial tool that quickly provides critical information for planning.
Quick and flexible planning tool with key financials and ability to run multiple stress scenarios

The tool runs financial projections in less than a minute, which can easily be adjusted for various stress scenarios. SnAP is web-based and allows interaction with multiple users throughout an organization.
Analyze options for growth, reinsurance structures, capital infusion from parent company, adding a new line of business, pay-out patterns, and more. Benefit from a flexible capital management solution with Aon’s financial projection planning tool, SnAP