United Kingdom

We Specialise in Employee Benefits

Let’s get back to basics.

What are employee benefits?

Employee benefits are non-monetary compensation given to employees by companies – in addition to their salary (although some might involve a salary sacrifice arrangement). A good employee benefits package will keep staff engaged and motivated, improve employee wellbeing – whether physical, mental, emotional or financial – and help businesses to attract and retain staff in a competitive marketplace.

Why do you offer employee benefits?

Yes, it’s about valuing and rewarding your people, but it’s also about productivity, HR, and risk management. Becoming a place where people actively want to work.

And our benefits schemes can deliver that. But there’s more to it – much more – than benefits alone. Benchmarking, analytics, engagement; they’re new challenges, and new opportunities to get more value – for your people, and for you.

At Aon we specialise in all areas of employee benefits, and our team of experienced, award-winning consultants are ready to help you, whatever your benefits challenge.

So let’s talk benefits!

Rising risk and healthcare costs?

Find steps you can take to improve value, and decrease your risks.

Learn more... »
Once upon a time, employees really valued their benefits...

And the good news is that engagement, communications, and smart technology can bring that value back. We see it every day.

Here’s how... »
What happens if your people can’t afford to retire?

Pensions are important – and not only for your employees. If your people can’t retire when they want, it’s a challenge for you too.

Find out more... »
Business Reporter

Aon interview in the Business Reporter Wellbeing Campaign

Read the article and watch the interview here »


Aon UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 00210725. Registered Office: The Aon Centre, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall Street, London EC3V 4AN.


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