Aon Cyber Solutions - Transfer
Protect your balance sheet with an insurance programme that addresses your needs.

Aon’s dedicated cyber specialists partner with organisations in their cyber resilience journey to educate and inform on risk and coverage developments. We advise clients on how to present their risk in the best possible light and help to ensure they are protected from evolving threats by optimising cyber-specific policy language across all lines.
This guidance enables an organisation to appropriately transfer risk to the insurance market and has an effective strategy that’s reflective of exposures and mitigates potential financial losses.
What does a cyber insurance policy usually cover?
Cyber insurance provides financial protection for businesses from risks relating to data and information technology. A cyber insurance policy can cover incident response costs, business interruption loss and third-party liability.
- Incident Response Costs
- Costs associated with IT forensic investigation and data breach notification, including engaging legal experts and public relations consultants. This also includes system recovery costs to restore or recreate data and software that was damaged due to a cyber attack.
- Cyber Extortion Expenses
- Cover for expenses incurred in the investigation and resolution of a ransomware event.
- Business Interruption Losses
- Cover for loss of net profit and extra expenses incurred due to a network disruption arising from a security failure, human error or programming error.
- Cyber Liability
- Cover for a range of third-party claims arising from data breaches, network security failures and publication of online content.