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Terrorism & Political Violence

We would like to pay your attention to growing risks of your property damage, due to the social and political crisis in Ukraine, Joint Forces Operation and acts of terrorism. All this is a significant threat to any business, because such risks are exclusions in standard insurance agreements.

We provide insurance solutions to protect your assets - Political Violence (Including War / Civil War) Insurance (PVI). This coverage could be also provided as extension to an existing insurance program.

PVI coverage against RISKS:

  • Terrorism;
  • Sabotage;
  • Riots and / or Strikes and / or civil Commotions;
  • Malicious Damage;
  • Insurrection, Revolution and Rebellion;
  • Mutiny and/or Coup d’Etat;
  • War and/or Civil War

PVI provides insurance indemnities payments for losses as a result of:

  • Property damage: movable and immovable, vehicles (CASCO), cargo, future harvest, livestock etc.
  • Business interruption;
  • Denial of access to insured property;
  • Costs for insured property relocation;
  • Damages caused to the life and health of personnel.

PVI coverage is extremely important for the following categories of clients:

  • Telecommunication companies;
  • Energy companies;
  • Shopping-entertainment malls;
  • Shopping centers;
  • Business centers;
  • Banks and financial institutions;
  • Hotels;
  • Construction and Real estate companies;
  • Agricultural companies;
  • Transport companies.

Aon provides unique solutions for clients in Ukraine

  • USD 250 000 000 – maximum limit of insurance indemnities payments;
  • 100% of risks are reinsured by the most reliable reinsurers –Lloyds Syndicates;
  • Complex insurance coverage by one Insurer, which provides coverage for all property risks (such as the standard risks of property damage and political violence and terrorism risks), including business interruption;
  • 2-year experience in the administration of PVI insurance agreements, claims handling on such risks and insurance indemnities payments;
  • 10 best international insurance companies in Ukraine work with Aon on this type of coverage;
  • Aon provides unique insurance solutions for maximum protection of its clients;
  • Opportunity to get insurance indemnities payments in case of denial of access to insured property;
  • Coverage is non-cancellable by the Reinsurers except in the event of non-payment of the premium by the Insured.