United Kingdom

Defined Benefit

Pensions Training 2024-25

We will be running a full schedule of Defined Benefit, Defined Contribution and Pensions Governance training in 2024-25, please contact us for more details.


Defined Benefit - part 1 (one day)

This introductory course is suitable for new Trustees and as a refresher for those with more experience. It will help you gain a clear understanding of your responsibilities as a Trustee. It covers:

  • The current legal framework
  • Benefits and scheme design
  • Trust Deed and Rules and scheme documentation
  • The parties involved
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Trusteeship in practice
  • A brief introduction to funding Defined Benefit schemes
  • The main asset classes and a brief introduction to investment strategy for both
  • Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution schemes
  • Trustees' liability and protections


Prices: £600 + VAT (Seminar) / £500 + VAT (Webinar)

  • 3 & 4 September 2024 - WEBINAR (a.m.)
  • 6 November 2024 - LONDON


Prices: £600 + VAT (Seminar) / £500 + VAT (Webinar)

  • 22 January 2025 - LONDON
  • 18/19/20 March 2025 - WEBINAR (p.m.) - 2-HOUR SESSIONS
  • 3 June 2025 - LONDON
  • 9 & 10 September 2025 - WEBINAR (a.m.) – half days
  • 4 November 2025 - LONDON

Defined Benefit - part 2 (one day)

This course is suitable for more experienced Trustees who have either already attended the Defined Benefit - part 1 course or have some experience as a Trustee of a defined benefit scheme. It assumes an understanding of the basic concepts of trust law and trusteeship and some knowledge of asset classes and investment markets. It provides a practical look at the key issues and decisions that defined benefit scheme Trustees now face, including:

  • The role of the Pensions Regulator and the requirements placed on Trustees under the Codes of Practice including whistleblowing, notifiable events, and internal controls
  • Scheme funding including the Statement of Funding Principles, assessing employer covenant and the use of contingent assets
  • Risk management, flightplans and de-risking strategy
  • Setting investment objectives and strategy
  • Liability driven investment
  • Investment managers and management


Prices: £600 + VAT (Seminar) / £500 + VAT (Webinar)

  • 8 & 9 October 2024 - WEBINAR (a.m.)
  • 11 December 2024 - LONDON


Prices: £600 + VAT (Seminar) / £500 + VAT (Webinar)

  • 25 February 2025 - LONDON
  • 29 & 30 April & 1 May 2025 - WEBINAR (p.m.) - 2-HOUR SESSIONS
  • 16 July 2025 - LONDON
  • 7 & 8 October 2025 - Half days - WEBINAR (a.m.)
  • 9 December 2025 - LONDON

All the London seminars will take place at:

The Aon Centre
The Leadenhall Building
122 Leadenhall Street

Click here to reserve your place in 2024.

Click here to reserve your place in 2025.

Click here to see our Training Programme

In our full brochure we set out the comprehensive range of assessments and training courses we offer, to help you take control.

For further information or for registering a delegate place in 2024-25, email [email protected] or [email protected]


Aon Solutions UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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