United Kingdom

Pension Governance Committee

Pensions Training 2024-25

We will be running a full schedule of Defined Benefit, Defined Contribution and Pensions Governance training in 2024-25, please contact us for more details.

Many employers operate contract-based and master trust arrangements (Group Personal Pensions for example), and are increasingly establishing pension governance committees to ensure these arrangements are well-run. Similar to a board of trustees, a governance committee acts in an advisory capacity to the employer, though it has fewer legal obligations than apply to trustees. Aon’s pension governance committee training is designed specifically to meet the needs of governance committees, identifying best practice and ensuring committee members can carry out their role efficiently. It is also suitable for HR professionals supporting contract based defined contribution schemes and includes:

  • The roles and responsibilities of a governance committee member
  • Pension structure and governance
  • Running a contract or master trust based plan
  • Defined contribution investment: basics
  • The risks to defined contribution members
  • Defined contribution investment strategies
  • Investment choices: defined contribution arrangements
  • Communications


  • 13 November 2024 - LONDON (a.m.)


  • 21 May 2025 - Half day - LONDON (a.m.)
  • 26 Novmber 2025 - Half day - WEBINAR (a.m.)

Prices: £400 + VAT (Seminar) / £350 + VAT (Webinar)

All the London seminars will take place at:

The Aon Centre
The Leadenhall Building
122 Leadenhall Street

Click here to reserve your place in 2024.

Click here to reserve your place in 2025.

Click here to see our Training Programme

In our full brochure we set out the comprehensive range of assessments and training courses we offer, to help you take control.

For further information or for registering a delegate place in 2024, email [email protected] or [email protected]


Aon Solutions UK Limited - a company registered in England and Wales under registration number 4396810 with its registered office at The Aon Centre, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall Street, London EC3V 4AN.

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