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Member Benefits


As a member of the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada (NHPC) you have access to all the insurance you could need. Included in your membership, you can purchase medical malpractice, commercial general liability or contents insurance depending on what you require. The premium for these coverages are included in your membership fee.


Medical malpractice insurance

All practicing NHPC members, require medical malpractice insurance.

Click here to learn more

Commercial general liability

Some members may need to purchase commercial general liability in addition to their medical malpractice coverage. Sole proprietors should purchase this coverage unless you already have commercial general liability coverage under an existing policy or are an employee of a clinic that carries coverage with you included under the policy.

Click here to learn more.

Contents Insurance

Members also have access to contents insurance which provides coverage that protects practitioner property. If you practice under an incorporated entity name, you will need different commercial general liability than that offered with your membership.

For more detail on the business insurance program.