Aon  |  Financial Institutions Practice
Talent & Performance - Human Capital Management

Operating in a rapidly evolving environment demands new skills, but the traditional means of attracting and retaining talent have seen diminishing returns.

The future skills required to drive change and improve competitiveness cannot be acquired only through a talent acquisition strategy, which is expensive and unsustainable given the tight labour market for leading-edge technology and digital competencies. Financial institutions need a comprehensive reskilling and upskilling program for current employees and a compelling total rewards program that retains high-impact talent.

The need to deliver a human capital strategy that provides meaningful and engaging benefits for a multigenerational workforce has also become an organizational imperative.

People risk and change can only be mitigated and managed through effective people management.


The need for specialist support:

A specialist team with access to industry-wide benchmarking data and sophisticated analytics tools can support financial institutions by collecting and analyzing workforce data, and measuring against existing and evolving business models.

With these data-driven insights, financial institutions will be in a position to better understand the drivers of performance and make informed decisions about investment and how best to optimize their workforce for commercial growth.