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Aon  |  Professional Services Practice
A Post-Pandemic Task – Claw Back Your Culture with Creativity

Release Date: September 2022
pdf download Implications for D&O Litigation From Climate-Related Risk

So, coach, how are we doing? Team showing up for practice? On time? Fully engaged? Team pride? Team first? You heard the mantra, no one player wins or loses a game. How’s the culture bit going? Vets showing the “rooks” the ropes? As we’ve all heard before, there’s no better teacher than experience.

A law firm is not a sports team of course, but the lessons of attendance, training, culture, and a team-first mentality nevertheless apply. Lessons need to be passed down. Teamwork and camaraderie engender firm pride and loyalty. Hopefully, the coaches and team members are willing to put in the time to become a firm that wins and has fun doing it. That is the task before you in this post-pandemic environment. So, how do you get there?

One suggestion is a firm competition. A challenge that promotes teamwork, a sense of belonging, firm spirit, creativity, and diversity and inclusion. This is a chance to “claw back your culture”, re-acquaint or possibly introduce for the first time players to their teammates, whether it be to someone on the floor below, or to a colleague in an office many miles away.

Think about a “shark tank” type competition within your firm. Depending on your size and number of offices, you could pit offices, departments, floors, or any combination that works to create a healthy and fun competition. You can even hold a firm draft virtually. Team captains, competition judges, and team members all should be a mix of associates, counsel and partners, young and old.

The choice of topics is limitless, but could include:

  • Health and welfare
  • Community service
  • Firm branding
  • Technology
  • Client services/outreach
  • New revenue streams

The firm has much to benefit. Creativity is boundless, fun, and contagious. Enjoy the ride.


The Professional Services Practice at Aon values your feedback. If you would like to discuss any of the topics raised in this article, please contact George J Wolf, Jr.

George J Wolf, Jr
Managing Director
New York