Gen Z, the youngest generation in the workforce, along with those in top management positions are the two demographics who are suffering ‘the most’ from mental health issues, new global research has revealed.

Research carried out in collaboration between Oracle and Workplace Intelligence showed that a staggering 90 per cent of Gen Z were found to be struggling with poor mental health, while over half (53 per cent) of the C-suite said the same.
The majority of those in leadership and management (85 per cent) said they were finding it particularly difficult to adapt to new working practices brought about by the pandemic, including adjusting to increased use of virtual technology.
Gen Z respondents too, were also ‘most likely’ to be negatively impacted by the pandemic, with a high proportion of the generation reporting that their work had negatively impacted their personal life; 94 per cent of Gen Z said workplace stress had created issues at home.
In addition, both Gen Z and Gen Y (millennials) were significantly more likely to be working longer hours and experience burnout than Baby Boomers, respectively.
When asked about available mental health support in the workplace, three quarters of employee respondents felt their organisation should be doing more to look after mental health. 86 per cent wanted employers to make better use of technology as part of this.
The research also found that employees across India (89 per cent), the US (81 per cent), the UEA (86 per cent) and China (83 per cent) were more likely to experience mental health issues in comparison to the rest of the world.
Charles Alberts, head of wellbeing solutions at Aon, urged organisations to develop a ‘dedicated strategy’ to protect the wellbeing of managers and leaders who are facing ‘very unique challenges’ due to their position in the workplace.
“Many managers and leaders are having to deal with performance and behaviour issues, delegate tasks, motivate and engage as well as being there for team members on an increasingly personal level. They are often having to play the part of mental health first aider but don’t necessarily have the right training,” he said.
Alberts added: “Leaders and managers need specific training to give them the skills and confidence to support their team members as well as knowing how to reach out for support themselves. If we don’t equip our leaders, they will find it incredibly stressful to deliver on business expectations. Take care of your leaders so they can take care of your people.”
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