Credit Solutions

Learn how your organization can benefit from credit solutions. 

How Can Credit Solutions Help Your Business?

Credit solutions, including trade credit insurance, political risk insurance and surety services are critical tools for companies developing sustainable growth strategies. They also provide businesses with a more flexible and efficient way to secure financing. Importantly, a well-designed credit strategy creates economically attractive options for your lenders as well.

When organizations and their banking partners take co-ownership of securing and protecting working capital, all parties benefit, relationships strengthen, and businesses can grow even as inflation continues to be a concern and the cost of capital increases.

  • $2.2B

    of managed premium*

    *Stats as of 2022

  • 850+


  • 55+

    wholly owned country operations*

Why are Credit Solutions Critical in Today’s Market?

All organizations face growing economic headwinds as new forms of volatility, including climate change, pandemics, geopolitical conflict, and supply chain disruption, impede business operations and change consumer and employee expectations.

At the same time, today’s market conditions present leaders with exciting opportunities to take bold and transformative action. Actions that often require injections of capital to secure an edge over competitors.

Credit solutions allow businesses to address the challenges cited below without necessarily increasing debt levels or utilizing existing banking lines, providing leaders with added flexibility to drive growth.


Aon is the number one global credit solutions broker by premium placed

Leaders face challenges such as:

How Aon Can Help

  • Comprehensive Credit Solutions

    Combining credit insurance, political risk insurance and surety services, we deliver comprehensive credit solutions to help clients secure receivables, unlock capital and grow trade.

  • Global Chief Broking Officer Model

    We also leverage a global Chief Broking Officer (CBO) model and a 360-degree working capital approach to maximize flexibility for clients.

  • Access to Data and Insights

    Furthermore, given the large and diverse client base we serve, across tens of countries, we have access to a wealth of data and insights to make better credit insurance decisions. We use this information to help clients boost their protection against credit risk in a cost-effective manner.

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