Defined Contribution Investment Strategy

Defined Contribution Investment Strategy

Learn how your organization can benefit from our defined contribution investment strategy. 

What is Defined Contribution Investment Strategy?

Defined contribution (DC) investment strategy and consulting helps plan sponsors design investment programs for their defined contribution plans that engage participants to help them achieve their retirement goals. Our consultants partner with you to select investment options for your DC plans and monitor fund managers.

What are the Advantages of Defined Contribution Investment Strategy?

Plan sponsors face many challenges, including changing regulations, volatile markets and low participant engagement. Organizations need investment solutions that address these challenges in the way that’s right for them — from traditional investment advisory consulting to full outsourcing. Aon delivers customized investment solutions paired with a strong governance framework to help ensure that each client and committee operates their plan effectively and delivers improved outcomes for their participants.

Defined Contribution Advisory and OCIO Services

How Aon Can Help

  • QDIA Consulting

    We have a dedicated team that focuses on plan-specific analytics to assist sponsors with selecting the appropriate QDIA. We conduct and document deep-dive product reviews and provide ratings for target date funds and managed accounts.

  • Innovative Capabilities

    Aon utilizes proprietary analytics to measure individual investment efficiency at a participant level to help inform committee decisions. We can help sponsors assess retirement readiness through a DE&I lens. We also offer retirement income research and rated managers.

  • Plan Governance, Design and Operations

    Aon helps committees build a solid governance structure and ongoing fiduciary practices to ensure their DC Plan operates within ERISA requirements. This includes committee charters, vendor management, fee and services negotiations, compliance calendars, committee meeting agendas and meeting minutes. We also conduct operations audits.

  • Outsourced Chief Investment Officer

    An outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO) ensures that a DC plan gets access to high-quality, low-cost investments within a strong governance framework.

  • Pooled Employer Plan Solution

    The Aon pooled employer plan (PEP)1 provides the highest level of fiduciary services. We leverage economies of scale with the potential to lower investment management and recordkeeping fees. The PEP gives sponsors access to state-of-the-art features that may require more work for individual employers and fiduciary committees to assess and access independently.


    1Aon's PEP services are provided by Aon Consulting Inc., an AIUSA affiliate. AIUSA serves as the ERISA 3(38) investment advisor to the PEP. 

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Are you ready to learn how your organization can benefit from defined contribution investment strategy?