On-Demand Webinar on Nat Cat Strategies for Life Sciences Organizations

On-Demand Webinar: Nat Cat Strategies for Life Sciences Organizations Image

On-Demand Webinar: Nat Cat Strategies for Life Sciences Organizations

Watch the On-Demand Webinar on Nat Cat Strategies for Life Sciences Organizations.

In the Eye of the Storm: How to Navigate Natural Catastrophe Events With Confidence as a Risk Leader in the Life Sciences Industry

Nat Cat Strategies for Life Sciences Organizations

Both the frequency and severity of natural catastrophes globally are on the rise.

In this one hour session we explore the value of business interruption valuations and reviews as well as modelling natural catastrophe exposures.

Our senior subject matter experts also share insights on property and business interruption claims in the life sciences industry and talk about unlocking the true value of insurance.

On-Demand Webinar: Nat Cat Strategies for Life Sciences Organizations Image

On-Demand Webinar on Nat Cat Strategies for Life Sciences Organizations

Access the webinar to learn about Nat Cat Strategies for Life Sciences Organizations.

Anne-Christine Fischer, Global Life Sciences Consulting Leader
Lars Sorensen, Life Sciences Industry Leader, EMEA

Peter Mlej, SAV, Head of Actuarial and Analytics, EMEA
Michael Sgarlata, Practice Leader Claim Preparation, Advocacy, and Valuation, EMEA
Tanya Tsapko, Senior Actuarial Consultant, EMEA

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