With many insurers reporting healthy profits in 2023, and in response to notable improvements in the reinsurance market, the insurance market in Q2 2024 remained growth-oriented yet disciplined as insurer strategies focused on underwriting and pricing for longer-term profitability and program stability. Insurer growth ambitions continued to translate into a competitive, well capitalized market environment characterized by continued price moderation, underwriting flexibility, and the availability of coverage options, especially for preferred risk types.
Specific trends we observed in Q2 include:
As a useful indicator of insurance market trends, reinsurance renewals in 2024 to date have seen a steady improvement, with increased capacity and reinsurer appetite leading to rate reductions for Property catastrophe risk and improvements in terms and coverage at mid-year. According to Aon’s latest Reinsurance Market Dynamics report, reinsurance capital reached a new record of $695 billion at the end of Q1 2024, driven by retained earnings, recovering asset values and new inflows to the catastrophe bond market (ILS capital increased to an all-time high of $110 billion in Q2).
Despite a well-capitalized insurance and reinsurance market, the landscape remains somewhat fragile. Natural catastrophe insured losses remain volatile with a record 37 events in 2023 exceeding $1 billion - while adverse reserve development and social inflation make for an uncertain Casualty outlook. A material deterioration in Casualty loss trends, and/or outsized natural catastrophe losses could materially impact future insurance and reinsurance market dynamics. We are monitoring forecasts, which are currently predicting an active Atlantic hurricane season for 2024.
Shocks aside, a capacity-rich market focused on sustainable growth and program stability is good for our clients, many of whom are taking advantage of the current market conditions by restoring coverages and limits that had been reduced during recent renewals. At the same time, the growing availability of sophisticated analytics is creating a synergistic positive effect by increasing client confidence that, in partnership with their Aon team, they are implementing the right mix of traditional and alternative risk solutions and the optimal coverage structures to support their shifting risk strategies.
Expand the options below to read a summary of how the insurance market trended in Q2 2024 across pricing, capacity, underwriting, limits, deductibles and coverages.
Pricing | Capacity | Underwriting | Limits | Deductibles | Coverages | |
Asia | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
EMEA | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Latin America | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
North America | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Pacific | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Insurer growth ambitions and healthy competition resulted in broadly flat pricing in Q2, as upward pressure on rates continued to moderate. Pockets of preferred and well-performing risks experienced decreased pricing, while less preferred and challenged risks continued to experience price increases, albeit at lower levels than previous quarters. Cyber and D&O experienced continued rate reductions, while Auto, US exposed Casualty risk and poor performing Property risks were subject to targeted increases as insurers continued to focus on underwriting profitability. Risk differentiation remained important, with insurers pricing accordingly.
Competition for quality risks further strengthened in Q2 amidst favorable reinsurance and alternative capital market conditions and as insurers focused on growing their portfolios at attractive rates. Capacity was broadly adequate, but abundant for preferred and well-performing risks which often experienced oversubscription. More challenged risks and sub-sectors continued to face capacity constraints.
Despite insurer growth ambitions and strong competition, underwriting discipline continued as insurers sought to maintain profitability across their portfolios. While remaining prudent, underwriters demonstrated greater flexibility, especially where competitive pressure was strong. Risk differentiation remained a priority for insurers, with data, insights, and modelling central to underwriters’ decision-making. Underwriting was more rigorous for certain natural catastrophe-exposed risks, particularly related to Contingent Business Interruption, as well as US-exposed Casualty, and forever chemicals (PFAS). Detailed information – sometimes more than required in the past – continued to be requested.
Most placements renewed with limits as expiring, but additional limits were available on targeted risks, and some insureds took advantage of the favorable market conditions by increasing their limits and exploring coverage and deductible options. Concern related to inflation and nuclear verdicts put upward pressure on casualty limits for risks with US exposures.
Amidst a continued disciplined underwriting environment, most placements renewed with expiring deductibles. More challenged risks experienced upward pressure on deductible levels with attachment points coming under scrutiny. Insurers leveraged buffer layers, corridor deductibles and upward shifts in program position to manage their exposures. In some markets, deductible options were available, especially for non-catastrophe exposed well-performing risks and insureds continued to evaluate deductible options to optimize program design and manage premium costs.
Placements generally renewed with expiring terms and conditions; although insurers continued to leverage coverage terms as a differentiator, and coverage enhancements and long-term agreements, supported by quality underwriting data, were often available. Reflecting continued underwriting discipline, exclusions such as per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), communicable disease, and strikes riots and civil commotion were generally required. Risks related to Ukraine, Russia, Eastern Europe and Myanmar were scrutinized and coverage for related exposures was limited.
Capability Overview
Casualty Risk Management and Insurance
5 Top Trends for Risk Capital in 2025
Expand the options below to read a summary of how the insurance market trended in Q2 2024 across key lines of business, including Automobile, Casualty/Liability, Cyber, Directors & Officers and Property.
Automobile | Casualty/Liability | Cyber | Directors & Officers | Property | |
Asia | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Moderate |
EMEA | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Moderate |
Latin America | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Soft | Challenging |
North America | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Soft | Moderate |
Pacific | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Soft | Moderate |
Inflation, high repair costs, increased accident frequency, and insurers’ combined ratio targets continued to pressure the Commercial Auto market and conditions remained moderate-to-challenging, with the notable exception of Latin America, where strong technical results led to moderate-to-favorable conditions. Large fleet risks and those with adverse loss experience faced a more challenging environment, while smaller fleets generally experienced broader appetite and more modest inflationary increases. Electric vehicles remained a key underwriting and pricing consideration. Risk differentiation, including the use of telematics and other vehicle safety and driver training initiatives, remained key to achieving superior renewal outcomes. Buffer layers, corridor deductibles, and alternative risk transfer programs were utilized as insureds sought to manage attachment points and total cost of risk.
The US litigation environment and wider claims trends continued to dominate underwriting agendas. Clients with significant US exposures or in heavy industries experienced moderate-to-challenging market conditions, with some capacity constraints, rigorous underwriting and price increases as insurers sought sustainable pricing. Well-performing risks with no US exposures experienced more favorable conditions. Insurers in the Umbrella and Excess market continued to introduce corridor features, reduce their capacity deployment, and request higher tower positions to manage their exposure. PFAS exclusions continued to be mandated for most risks.
Despite claims frequency trends, buyer-friendly market conditions continued, with increased capacity and competition leading to price reductions, particularly in high excess layers. Capacity continued to enter the market, including through Aon’s cyber managing general agent, CEDAR, which offers up to $20m of capacity for mid-sized companies. Renewal outcomes varied based on class of business, year-over-year improvement of cyber controls, and previous market adjustments. Underwriting discipline remained strong, and insurers maintained key loss control requirements, although underwriters demonstrated greater flexibility and willingness to offer tailored coverages to meet individual client needs. Systemic risk and privacy exposures remained a key area of focus for insurers, with systemic risks for critical infrastructure, correlated events and war subject to coverage restrictions. Insurers continued to implement wording similar to the Lloyd’s Cyber War exclusion which was introduced in March 2023.
Healthy competition and abundant capacity continued to drive price reductions in the growth-focused D&O market, despite claims frequency and concern for higher derivative lawsuit settlements in the US. However, some insurers continued to grow more cautious, particularly related to high excess layers where rates have fallen materially in the past 18 months. The market remained limited for certain sectors (crypto, mining and nicotine). Insurers demonstrated flexibility in retention levels, mostly in areas where retentions had previously increased due to client-specific exposures. Coverages were generally unchanged, although dialogue around the potential implications of artificial intelligence for directors and officers continued to increase. Taking advantage of the current favorable market conditions, some insureds looked to expand coverages or purchase ancillary lines, including Crime, Employment Practices and Cyber. Long term agreements were available for companies with stable risk profiles.
Price moderation gained momentum in Q2, with most placements experiencing rate change ranging from single digit increases to single digit decreases. Q2 2024 represented the most positive market in the US since Q3 2017. New capacity entered parts of the market as many insurers shifted their focus toward growth. Insurer growth goals and positive insurer performance continued to lead to more aggressive pricing, albeit still dependent on the risk, loss experience and geography. Higher risk occupancies/risks and certain loss-affected territories (such as the Nordics, Brazil and Mexico) remained challenging and subject to rate increases and capacity constraints. Most placements renewed with expiring coverages and deductibles, but with many programs oversubscribed, buyers were able to correct non-concurrency in terms and conditions applied in the hard market. More insureds explored alternative structured property solutions for portions of their program.
Expand the options below to read a summary of regional insurance market trends in Q2 2024. For more detailed analysis, download and read the full report here.
Overall | Pricing | Capacity | Underwriting | Limits | Deductibles | Coverages | |
Asia | Moderate | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
China | Soft | -1%-10% | Abundant | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Hong Kong | Soft | -1%-10% | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Japan | Challenging | +1%-10% | Constrained | Prudent | Decreased | Increased | Stable |
Singapore | Moderate | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Thailand | Moderate | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Automobile | Casualty/Liability | Cyber | Directors & Officers | Property | |
Asia | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Moderate |
China | Moderate | Soft | Moderate | Soft | Soft |
Hong Kong | Moderate | Soft | Soft | Soft | Soft |
Japan | Moderate | Challenging | Challenging | Moderate | Challenging |
Singapore | Challenging | Moderate | Soft | Soft | Moderate |
Thailand | Soft | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Moderate |
Overall | Pricing | Capacity | Underwriting | Limits | Deductibles | Coverages | |
EMEA | Moderate | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
D-A-CH | Moderate | +1%-10% | Abundant | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Iberia | Moderate | -1%-10% | Abundant | Prudent | Increased | Flat | Stable |
Italy | Moderate | +1%-10% | Ample | Rigorous | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Middle East | Moderate | -1%-10% | Ample | Prudent | Increased | Flat | Broader |
Netherlands | Moderate | Flat | Abundant | Flexible | Increased | Flat | Stable |
Nordics | Moderate | Flat | Ample | Flexible | Flat | Flat | Stable |
South Africa | Moderate | +1%-10% | Constrained | Prudent | Flat | Increased | Stable |
United Kingdom | Moderate | -1%-10% | Ample | Flexible | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Automobile | Casualty/Liability | Cyber | Directors & Officers | Property | |
EMEA | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Moderate |
D-A-CH | Challenging | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate |
Iberia | Challenging | Soft | Soft | Soft | Moderate |
Italy | Challenging | Soft | Moderate | Soft | Moderate |
Middle East | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Soft | Soft |
Netherlands | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate |
Nordics | N/A | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Moderate |
South Africa | Moderate | Challenging | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate |
United Kingdom | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Soft | Moderate |
Overall | Pricing | Capacity | Underwriting | Limits | Deductibles | Coverages | |
Latin America | Moderate | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Argentina | Moderate | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Brazil | Moderate | -1%-10% | Abundant | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Chile | Moderate | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Colombia | Moderate | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Mexico | Moderate | +1%-10% | Constrained | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Automobile | Casualty/Liability | Cyber | Directors & Officers | Property | |
Latin America | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Soft | Challenging |
Argentina | Challenging | Soft | Challenging | Soft | Moderate |
Brazil | Soft | Moderate | Soft | Soft | Challenging |
Chile | Moderate | Soft | Challenging | Soft | Moderate |
Colombia | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Moderate |
Mexico | Challenging | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Challenging |
Overall | Pricing | Capacity | Underwriting | Limits | Deductibles | Coverages | |
North America | Moderate | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Canada | Moderate | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
United States | Moderate | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Automobile | Casualty/Liability | Cyber | Directors & Officers | Property | |
North America | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Soft | Moderate |
Canada | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Soft | Moderate |
United States | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Soft | Moderate |
Overall | Pricing | Capacity | Underwriting | Limits | Deductibles | Coverages | |
Pacific | Moderate | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Australia | Moderate | Flat | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
New Zealand | Moderate | +1%-10% | Ample | Prudent | Flat | Flat | Stable |
Automobile | Casualty/Liability | Cyber | Directors & Officiers | Property | |
Pacific | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Soft | Moderate |
Australia | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Soft | Moderate |
New Zealand | Moderate | Moderate | Soft | Moderate | Moderate |
To see our full analysis of regional and country level insurance market conditions, download the report here.
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Positive performance in 2023 fueled insurer growth ambitions but underwriting remained disciplined in the first quarter of 2024.