2025 Deal Market View

2025 Deal Market View
M&A Buy-side Insights

2025 Deal Market View

Deal flow across the global mergers & acquisitions (M&A) market continues to accelerate as pent-up demand and sidelined capital come back into play. Alongside this overall acceleration, the buy-side of the market faces increasing complexity, with several factors playing a critical role in deal success.

This comprehensive report delves into the key topics top of mind when evaluating deals, focusing on the latest trends shaping the M&A landscape.

In a time when the M&A landscape is rapidly evolving, this report provides the tools and knowledge to empower deal-makers and industry leaders to make informed, strategic decisions. 


Download now to discover:

  1. How do you primarily factor in potential exit strategies when evaluating a deal from the buy side?
  2. How likely is a corporate to launch a strategic review of their company in the next 12 months?
  3. How do you expect valuations to rise or fall over the next six months based on current valuations?
  4. How do you expect the gap between buyer and seller valuation expectations to widen or narrow over the next six months?
  5. Compared to the recent past, how much more often do you expect corporates/strategics to see sponsors competing for assets over the next six months?


PE dealmakers are more likely to focus on analyzing the timing for a potential exit based on financial projections and market trends.