Health Risk Analyzer

Health Risk Analyzer

Connect with our team today to learn more about using Health Risk Analyzer. 

What is Health Risk Analyzer?

Health Risk Analyzer is a predictive model from Aon that leverages the power of data, analytics and machine learning to forecast future medical and pharmacy claims risk within an organization.

The unique risk classification methodology embedded in Health Risk Analyzer ensures you'll gain deep insights into the risk factors and top health conditions impacting high-risk plan participants (or members). With this information in hand, you can then select the most suitable and cost-effective care management programs to address member needs and achieve business goals.

With Health Risk Analyzer you can revolutionize your care management and budget planning processes through unprecedented predictions, continuous monitoring, and actionable recommendations, giving you the confidence to manage your claims risk and healthcare expenses.

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Improve Your Health Plan Risk Strategy

Employers, along with their employees, are feeling immense pressure as their health benefits costs rise to unsustainable levels. Rising healthcare costs and high-cost claimants present challenges for organizations, but Aon’s Health Risk Analyzer helps bring clarity and confidence to decision-making.

Why is Health Risk Analyzer Important?

A significant challenge for employers looking to manage rapidly rising healthcare costs is the growth of high-cost claimants. This population is expanding due to a number of factors, including the emergence of high-cost injectable drugs, an increase in cancer diagnosis rates, and longer hospital stays for complex conditions and procedures.

Today, employers rely on care management to mitigate the cost of these claimants, but existing systems commonly fail to address emerging risks before they become a challenge. Further, employers face difficulties transferring high-cost claimant risk, particularly recurring risks. Health Risk Analyzer gives organizations a tool to identify and manage high-cost members earlier in the process and budget for predictable risk accordingly.


Percentage of medical spend driven by just one percent of members.

Health Risk Navigator product screenshot

High-Cost Member Prediction

Source: Sample Health Risk Analyzer Output

How Aon Can Help

Predictive Modeling — Historical claims data is used by our data scientists to predict high-cost claim risk, by stratifying members into risk segments based on their claims history and demographics using machine learning.

Risk Optimization — Understanding future risk enables smart budgeting, allowing employers to better prepare for predicted claim volatility as well as make the best decisions on how to manage and budget for the at-risk population.

Ongoing Monitoring — When integrated with a direct data feed, Health Risk Analyzer can provide ongoing monitoring and predictive-modeling updates to continually identify at-risk members and provide updated cost impacts.


Over half of high-cost claimants are predictable. Predictive modeling enables proactive strategies to plan for and protect against this risk - from actions such as reinsurance strategies, budget planning and care management programs. 

Health Risk Navigator product screenshot

Risk Retention and Transfer Recommendations

Source: Sample Health Risk Analyzer Output

Working With Aon

Our healthcare experts will work with you and your team to identify and fill gaps in your care management network based on the condition and risk profile of your highest-cost members. Additionally, in collaboration with your vendors, Health Risk Analyzer facilitates a more strategic approach to member outreach. Your organization will better understand member risk and inherent volatility in claim spend, while developing proactive strategies to manage volatility over the short and long term.

With Health Risk Analyzer, you gain a valuable tool to confidently navigate the complexities of managing high-cost claimants. By gaining a deeper understanding of your future claims risk and population, you are empowered to make informed decisions. This knowledge supports meticulous risk planning, effective healthcare expense budgeting, and efficient claims management, paving the way for a more secure and sustainable future.

Report Available Now

2024 Global Medical Trend Rates Report

Featuring insights from 113 Aon offices that broker, administer or otherwise advise on employer-sponsored medical plans, this report tracks medical trend rates around the globe.

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