On-Demand Webinar: Life Sciences People Forum


On-Demand Webinar: Life Sciences People Forum

Watch the On-Demand Webinar on Executive Compensation, EU Pay Transparency and Salary Budget Increases 2024/2025 for Life Sciences Organizations

This 75 minutes session presents a unique opportunity for People Leaders to gain deeper insights into these topics:

  • Salary increase budget 2024/2025
  • EU Pay transparency requirements and what it means for the executive population
  • Key decision points and things to consider for your organization
  • Gender and diversity at executive/board level
On-Demand Webinar

On-Demand Webinar: Life Sciences People Forum

Access the webinar to learn about Executive Compensation, EU Pay Transparency and Salary Budget Increases 2024/2025 for Life Sciences Organizations.

Anna Chabbat, Rewards Advisor, Life Sciences Vertical Leader, EMEA
Sabiha Vorajee, Director, Life Sciences, UK

Suzanne Courtney, Human Capital Industry Leader, Life Sciences, EMEA
Ritin Handa, Director, Executive Compensation
Keaton Hoffman, Partner, Executive Compensation

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