Human Resources

Empowering Leadership Assessment

Strong leadership is more than just a competitive advantage; it’s what separates world-class companies from the rest. Today, the need for effective leadership is unprecedented. Gaps in the leadership pipeline, changing leadership requirements, inadequate leadership capabilities, and the greater needs to grow talent internally all point to the importance of assessing leadership talent.

Aon Hewitt Top Companies for Leaders® research on leadership and talent management indicates that an emphasis on growing leadership capabilities at all levels is a key differentiator. Sustainable success requires a solid leadership pipeline. While the importance of selecting and developing senior leaders has long been recognized as an organizational imperative, ensuring a robust pipeline, requires focus on all levels of leadership, from front-line and mid-level to top executives. In both existing and emerging markets, creative new approaches to assessing talent can support the selection and development of a strong bench of leaders to meet both short and long term needs.

For nearly 15 years Aon Hewitt’s LEADeR® suite of assessment tools has provided a robust, cost-effective, easily-tailored approach to assessing leadership capability and potential including:

  • Identifying individual contributors for selection into front-line leadership
  • Assessing high potential leaders to support accelerated development
  • Evaluating the adequacy of leadership capability for talent and succession planning
  • Selecting internal and external candidates at all leadership levels

LEADeR offers innovative, sophisticated methods of assessment and development to identify leadership assessment needs at every level with a range of price points. LEADeR is designed as a highly flexible, modular solution that can be easily configured to provide a truly tailored solution to meet your needs. Features include:

  • A suite of assessment tools that can be tailored specifically to each level of leadership, including options such as computer adaptive reasoning and personality tests, multi- rater surveys, digital interviews, role-plays and automated writing assessments
  • State-of-the-art web-based simulations that reflect the realities of leadership today in a variety of product and service industries. These include options for both web and interpersonal challenges that mirror the capabilities to be assessed
  • A library of content carefully designed to measure the agility, ability, and aspiration that are essential to the assessment of high potential as well as focus on the specific leadership capabilities needed at various turns in the leadership pipeline
  • Global content that is applicable to countries and cultures around the world
  • Seamless competency model integration, through your existing or Aon Hewitt’s leadership model, enhancing focus on key proficiencies in your organization as well as confirming job-relevance
  • A variety of administration choices from fully automated virtual options to high touch face-to-face or phone and digital interactions
  • Our skilled program administration services and technology, which ensure a convenient, positive and engaging experience for participants and minimal administrative requirements for the organization
  • Flexible reporting for selection and development, offering a variety of options ranging from executive summary and detailed behavioral examples of assessment performance to specific development resource suggestions
  • Follow-up support ranging from a single individual feedback and coaching session to end-to-end leadership development programs and succession planning

By combining Aon Hewitt’s state-of-art LEADeR assessment tools, with thought leadership and deep leadership consulting expertise, we can ensure your leadership pipeline fully supports your business strategy now, and in the future.

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